Thursday, November 20, 2014

Ilus jope ja kole päev

Kuna meil on siin ilmad jahedaks läinud ja varsti on ilmselt lumematerjali oodata, siis läksin eile linna omale mütsi ostma. Sihtkohaks oli SOHO linnaosa, kus on ülipalju ägedaid poode. Astusin ma siis sisse Burtoni poodi ja uksel küsitakse dokumenti. Ma olin suhteliselt segaduses, taval
iselt ei küsita mütsi ostes dokumenti. Aga ei. Olin sattunud sinna sellisele asjale nagu „Girls night out!“, ehk siis söök, tasuta alks ja rinnavähi värk. Mis peamine, mulle pisteti pihku 25% sooduka kupong. Leidsin siis omale mütsi ja olin juba väljumas, kui järsku mõtlesin, et WOOUUU, mul pole jopet. Ja esimene jope, mida vaatasin. Perfekktttt. Niisiis ostsin omale jope. Kassas kutsuti mind jälle lumelauatama, sest ilmselgelt kui sa oled pärit Põhja-Euroopast, siis muud seal ju ei tehtagi. Ja võtsin osa lumelaua loosist, mille peal on mingi fäänci autogramm. Ja sain tasuta kinkekoti igast kraamiga. AWWWJEEEAHHH, ma armastan New Yorkis shoppamist. Ja mis peamine. Burtoni jope 140 dollarit!!!!!! 140. See on nagu sada eurtsi. Burton! Awwwjeaah.

Vaadake, kui ilus jope. Ja tegelt on hästi roosa(veronts ilmselt armastakas seda jopet nagu oma lapsi):D

Ja siis üks teine kiri, mille ma sain siin oma kohalikult sõbralt. Kui keegi veel ei teadnud, kui halb inimene ma olen, siis nüüd teate:
"You are completely unbelievable. It’s one thing if you can’t find it in your heart to help me out, cuz fuck it, I have family- But to completely shit on Paula? For what? For wanting to be around you? For wanting to be your friend? For falling for a guy a little too fast or too hard? News flash! At least she tried to have a relationship with this guy. You just met some guy, hung out some, and got physical a few times. Then he leaves the country and you feel like crap! But hey, that’s different than Paula because for some reason she’s not allowed to be happy huh? We are all people and we are all learning. I guess none of that really means anything to you though since you know everything.

It’s true whatever that person said! You are mean! You are very mean! You have quite frankly proven everything that you hoped you wouldn’t. By not apologizing or even responding to me you’ve proven your inability to deal with important matters like an adult and just how much you only care about your own issues. By completely shunning an innocent girl just for wanting to spend a holiday around you, you have proven to be a very bad person. I’m not going to berate you with foul language, because that’s below me. But I’m going to make it damn well known that at any point in her life Paula may choose to forgive you and look passed it, but I sure as hell won’t. 

I’m so disgusted with how you’ve been towards me (and paula) that I really don’t even care anymore. You talked to Dennis about my personal issues… so you must have cared enough to mention them. But you didn’t care enough to help me back on my feet. Why didnt you mention that to him? Well I am on my feet, no thanks to you. I’m actually a little shocked at your behavior considering your struggle when you first got to America. It’s not like I (or paula for that matter) were demanding money like Reet and her boyfriend. Just a friend. But it’s clear that we do not value each other the same. So best of luck. Try not to chase anymore people away with your meanness."

Niisiis Paula tahtis jõuludeks siia tulla ja mina vana t***pea ütlesin talle, et see pole väga hea plaan ja Delvinile kohe tööd ka ei leidnud. 

20. november läheb ajalukku ilmselt selle aasta kõige halvema päevana! JESS
AGA ma üritan tulevikus inimesi oma õelusega mitte eemale peletada.
Kena päeva pällid!!

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